Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Thoughts

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I have to apologize for the lack of updates. It's been very busy here in our household, and just one of those few weeks that I haven't had time to think, much less type.

First I want to get into a book that I recently read. It's called The Shack, and it is a very good work of fiction! If you are looking for something intense (capturing your attention, holding it, and doing something amazing with your heart), this is the book. I can see how some people would not know how to swallow some of the concepts behind the book, but I still recommend reading it. It will challenge you in one way or another. One of the places it got me was the view of the man's heart in this book. It made me stop and really think about mine, what my garden may appear to be. It also struck me how in this particular situation, the Holy Spirit uprooted many of the deep roots in his heart, but there were times He left roots that He had loosened for the man to pull up himself. How true is that of us! God works to release us, but we still have to face those things, walk through our temptations and our hurts, but God has redeemed us through Jesus Christ! The story also made me examine my relationship with God. How do I talk to Him? How do I view Him? How much of my life does He really have? It left me with a strong desire to have a better relationship with my Creator.

The next thing I want to address is a prayer request. Darryl's exwife has lived a very interesting lifestyle for many years, but in the recent months has given her heart completely over to God. That alone was an amazing thing, to see her go from just talk to actually taking action. Praise God! However, since taking those steps, she has been hit from all angles. Some being attacks of discouragement and some being consequences of her lifestyle choices. Please help lift her and her family up in prayer! She is now losing the home she has had for almost 8 years now and has been wracked with emotional chaos from it. We have prayed with her and for her, to remind her of the love of God and that no matter what to put her trust into Him.

I know that no matter where we are personally, sometimes we see other's situations and can be truely reminded of the blessings that we have. And I also know that Christ always reached out to others who had less (and those that had more) than He himself had on this earth. Let's all stop for a moment and consider where our brothers and sisters are and lift them up in prayer! There is so much freedom in the sacrifice of praise!

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister. You never cease to amaze me. What a wonderful witness you are in all you have been through. Ever faithful to lift others up just as you have said!

