Check out our blog for our son,
I have to apologize for the lack of updates. It's been very busy here in our household, and just one of those few weeks that I haven't had time to think, much less type.
First I want to get into a book that I recently read. It's called The Shack, and it is a very good work of fiction! If you are looking for something intense (capturing your attention, holding it, and doing something amazing with your heart), this is the book. I can see how some people would not know how to swallow some of the concepts behind the book, but I still recommend reading it. It will challenge you in one way or another. One of the places it got me was the view of the man's heart in this book. It made me stop and really think about mine, what my garden may appear to be. It also struck me how in this particular situation, the Holy Spirit uprooted many of the deep roots in his heart, but there were times He left roots that He had loosened for the man to pull up himself. How true is that of us! God works to release us, but we still have to face those things, walk through our temptations and our hurts, but God has redeemed us through Jesus Christ! The story also made me examine my relationship with God. How do I talk to Him? How do I view Him? How much of my life does He really have? It left me with a strong desire to have a better relationship with my Creator.
The next thing I want to address is a prayer request. Darryl's exwife has lived a very interesting lifestyle for many years, but in the recent months has given her heart completely over to God. That alone was an amazing thing, to see her go from just talk to actually taking action. Praise God! However, since taking those steps, she has been hit from all angles. Some being attacks of discouragement and some being consequences of her lifestyle choices. Please help lift her and her family up in prayer! She is now losing the home she has had for almost 8 years now and has been wracked with emotional chaos from it. We have prayed with her and for her, to remind her of the love of God and that no matter what to put her trust into Him.
I know that no matter where we are personally, sometimes we see other's situations and can be truely reminded of the blessings that we have. And I also know that Christ always reached out to others who had less (and those that had more) than He himself had on this earth. Let's all stop for a moment and consider where our brothers and sisters are and lift them up in prayer! There is so much freedom in the sacrifice of praise!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Make-Up on Money Mondays!
I realize that I am a bit late this evening, but it's going to be okay. I know that everyone was just waiting in anticipation to find out what interesting post I'm gonna have on here today, right? I *heart* all of my fans! :D
So let us approach the subject of money again, after all, it is Monday! I am going to keep in line with last weeks post on wasting away our money, but today I am going to approach it a little differently. Today is going to be about getting quality for our dollar. Quality means that you don't waste your money replacing what wasn't good enough to start off with. Yes, you might save a little money in the immediate, but in the long run you tend to spend WAY more than you meant to.
For example, you go out and you buy a $40 pot/pan set. Granted, your funds are limited, but you really need another set of pots and pans (like I seriously do at the moment) so you head out to the local W*lmart store and purchase the least expensive set. Well, about 3 months goes by, and you have to buy new ones because those have started tearing up (they rust and do this wierd bubble thing on the inside of the bottom - yes, I've actually done this). Again, funds are limited so you buy ANOTHER end up in this cycle...every 3 months having to purchase new pots and pans, and by one year you could have bought a very nice, durable set for most likely LESS than what you have already put out on those cheaper ones (about 160 give or take).
So, I am going to share with you some things that I have found to be valuable to the dollar that God has blessed our family with.
1. Physician's Formula Make-up
I sooooo totally absolutely love this stuff!!

I pay more for it, yes, but it is really good makeup. I can use this, it looks totally and completely natural, and it doesn't break my face out. It doesn't even feel like I have makeup on. That is a bonus in my book. Look, I have this thing, where when I use base it causes these horrible knots to come up under the muscle in my matter what brand I use. But with this stuff, it doesn't happen. I don't even have to use the base, all I use is the POWDER. It is made for many different skin types, and well worth every dime you spend on it. And, it's mineral makeup, which is more natural than the other stuffs out there. You can use the eyeshadows wet or dry, they are easy to apply, and the makeup lasts. Check it out next time you are thinking about going and buying more makeup. With this, I have only had to purchase 4 things....1 eyeshadow, 1 blush, 1 mascara, and 1 powder. So in the long run, I've saved a decent amount of money. Without this, I would still be spending a KILLER on makeup and cleaner to try to control the damage to my face.
2. Carter's baby clothes

You can get these at Sears for a decent price, they are always on sale. My likes for this one? Well, simple. They are priced reasonably, they last, they look great on my baby, they have an AWESOME selection for boys, and the material is super! I love how soft they feel, but he doesn't get overheated in them. Well worth our money. They look really nice and have endured everything the baby has put them through! Easy to take care of, stains come out quick (yay for spot treatment!), and they are made nicely. Don't get me wrong, I've bought things for him from Wally world, but really? These fit better and are better made. Besides, having a boy makes the choices at places like Wally world very slim. I like the fact that I can go into Sears, pick these up for him, and really have a great selection to chose from.
3. Sears Toughskins Childrens Clothing

OH, let me tell you about this little gem I have found. You go into Sears, you look for the "ToughSkins" label. These are AMAZING. There is a reasonable selection here, keep this in mind. You spend the $10 to join the Sears kids club thing. Here is the deal, as long as your child wears that particular size (my older son is currently in a 6) if the clothes wear out, then Sears will REPLACE that size AT NO COST TO YOU and AT ANY TIME, as long as you need that size. It doesn't matter if the new clothes are no longer on sale, they are still replaced at no cost. Yes, you read that correctly. You know how boys (and sometimes girls) are on clothes. My kids tend to wear the knees down quickly on their pants. This particular brand has reinforced knees - but unlike other brands, you cannot even tell they are reinforced. Not only that, but my kids have not managed to wear these out yet. Unlike the other pants I've bought - those pants are already worn out. Waste of money. Spent about $20 a pair on their school uniform pants at another store, where when I found out about the brand at Sears, they were only $10 a piece! And have lasted longer to boot!
My advice for today, sit down. Really think about what you are buying. Are you having to replace it often? Is it wearing down quickly? Wouldn't it make sense just to purchase a higher quality item and get more value for your dollar?
I really believe that at the present time we are in, we all could use a re-evaluation on our finances, whether it be by how we are paying our bills to how we are spending even our pennies. It adds up! And today, more than ever, it is so very important to be wise with our financial habits!
Have a blessed evening!
So let us approach the subject of money again, after all, it is Monday! I am going to keep in line with last weeks post on wasting away our money, but today I am going to approach it a little differently. Today is going to be about getting quality for our dollar. Quality means that you don't waste your money replacing what wasn't good enough to start off with. Yes, you might save a little money in the immediate, but in the long run you tend to spend WAY more than you meant to.
For example, you go out and you buy a $40 pot/pan set. Granted, your funds are limited, but you really need another set of pots and pans (like I seriously do at the moment) so you head out to the local W*lmart store and purchase the least expensive set. Well, about 3 months goes by, and you have to buy new ones because those have started tearing up (they rust and do this wierd bubble thing on the inside of the bottom - yes, I've actually done this). Again, funds are limited so you buy ANOTHER end up in this cycle...every 3 months having to purchase new pots and pans, and by one year you could have bought a very nice, durable set for most likely LESS than what you have already put out on those cheaper ones (about 160 give or take).
So, I am going to share with you some things that I have found to be valuable to the dollar that God has blessed our family with.
1. Physician's Formula Make-up
I sooooo totally absolutely love this stuff!!
I pay more for it, yes, but it is really good makeup. I can use this, it looks totally and completely natural, and it doesn't break my face out. It doesn't even feel like I have makeup on. That is a bonus in my book. Look, I have this thing, where when I use base it causes these horrible knots to come up under the muscle in my matter what brand I use. But with this stuff, it doesn't happen. I don't even have to use the base, all I use is the POWDER. It is made for many different skin types, and well worth every dime you spend on it. And, it's mineral makeup, which is more natural than the other stuffs out there. You can use the eyeshadows wet or dry, they are easy to apply, and the makeup lasts. Check it out next time you are thinking about going and buying more makeup. With this, I have only had to purchase 4 things....1 eyeshadow, 1 blush, 1 mascara, and 1 powder. So in the long run, I've saved a decent amount of money. Without this, I would still be spending a KILLER on makeup and cleaner to try to control the damage to my face.
2. Carter's baby clothes
You can get these at Sears for a decent price, they are always on sale. My likes for this one? Well, simple. They are priced reasonably, they last, they look great on my baby, they have an AWESOME selection for boys, and the material is super! I love how soft they feel, but he doesn't get overheated in them. Well worth our money. They look really nice and have endured everything the baby has put them through! Easy to take care of, stains come out quick (yay for spot treatment!), and they are made nicely. Don't get me wrong, I've bought things for him from Wally world, but really? These fit better and are better made. Besides, having a boy makes the choices at places like Wally world very slim. I like the fact that I can go into Sears, pick these up for him, and really have a great selection to chose from.
3. Sears Toughskins Childrens Clothing
OH, let me tell you about this little gem I have found. You go into Sears, you look for the "ToughSkins" label. These are AMAZING. There is a reasonable selection here, keep this in mind. You spend the $10 to join the Sears kids club thing. Here is the deal, as long as your child wears that particular size (my older son is currently in a 6) if the clothes wear out, then Sears will REPLACE that size AT NO COST TO YOU and AT ANY TIME, as long as you need that size. It doesn't matter if the new clothes are no longer on sale, they are still replaced at no cost. Yes, you read that correctly. You know how boys (and sometimes girls) are on clothes. My kids tend to wear the knees down quickly on their pants. This particular brand has reinforced knees - but unlike other brands, you cannot even tell they are reinforced. Not only that, but my kids have not managed to wear these out yet. Unlike the other pants I've bought - those pants are already worn out. Waste of money. Spent about $20 a pair on their school uniform pants at another store, where when I found out about the brand at Sears, they were only $10 a piece! And have lasted longer to boot!
My advice for today, sit down. Really think about what you are buying. Are you having to replace it often? Is it wearing down quickly? Wouldn't it make sense just to purchase a higher quality item and get more value for your dollar?
I really believe that at the present time we are in, we all could use a re-evaluation on our finances, whether it be by how we are paying our bills to how we are spending even our pennies. It adds up! And today, more than ever, it is so very important to be wise with our financial habits!
Have a blessed evening!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Money Mondays - Wasting It All Away
I'm gonna be posting on Mondays the new "Money Mondays". I, by no means, have a financial degree. I do however, feel led to share where our family has been and where we currently are, in the hopes that others may be inspired or blessed - and please feel free to comment with your own ideas to add!
My theme for today is "Wasting It All Away", something we are all guilty of. The Bible meantions money over 800 times! Seems like finances must be pretty important huh? God is very specific when it comes to our finances...Matthew 24:25 "Who then is the faithful, thoughtful, and wise servant, whom his master has put in charge of his household to give to the others the food and supplies at the proper time?" and Matthew 25:21 "His master said to him, Well done, you upright (honorable, admirable) and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little; I will put you in charge of much. Enter into and share the joy (the delight, the blessedness) which your master enjoys."
We all know the importance of being financially responsible. You don't even have to identify yourself as a Christian to know that, especially with the economy being in the shape it is in and the struggles that pretty much every single family is experiencing right now.
I'm not going to get into all that today, but I am going to point out one very hidden way that our money gets wasted away...and it's in the form of:
"I'll get this for now and we'll do (insert whatever here) later".
My husband and I found out the dangers of that statement the hard way. We are a large family - there is 6 of us in the home and a couple of kids that are older, and on their own. Saving money and being financially responsible is very important to us. Not only are we an above average-sized family, but we are a one income family. Yes, you read that correctly, my husband is the sole income provider for our household. And has been for the past 11 years.
Look at it this spend $100 on a cheapy entertainment center (guilty) for your $300 TV to sit on...."I just need it to get by for now" we all reason with ourselves...but do you realize that you just threw away $100???? If you are going to replace it with something you want/need/like quickly, why waste that money?
We have wasted probably thousands over the years. With temporary furniture, to temporary household goods as small as towels. And if you look at it, with all the money we've wasted added up, it can become a significant amount.
My advice, if you are only going to use it for temporary use, then look around for a garage sale item, go to the Goodwill - don't spend any more than is absolutely needed on something that is only supposed to be in your home temporarily. I understand there are times you have to do a temp. item (like us with the entertainment center), but it is simplier to spend less.
God loves you and wants to bless you today!
My theme for today is "Wasting It All Away", something we are all guilty of. The Bible meantions money over 800 times! Seems like finances must be pretty important huh? God is very specific when it comes to our finances...Matthew 24:25 "Who then is the faithful, thoughtful, and wise servant, whom his master has put in charge of his household to give to the others the food and supplies at the proper time?" and Matthew 25:21 "His master said to him, Well done, you upright (honorable, admirable) and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little; I will put you in charge of much. Enter into and share the joy (the delight, the blessedness) which your master enjoys."
We all know the importance of being financially responsible. You don't even have to identify yourself as a Christian to know that, especially with the economy being in the shape it is in and the struggles that pretty much every single family is experiencing right now.
I'm not going to get into all that today, but I am going to point out one very hidden way that our money gets wasted away...and it's in the form of:
"I'll get this for now and we'll do (insert whatever here) later".
My husband and I found out the dangers of that statement the hard way. We are a large family - there is 6 of us in the home and a couple of kids that are older, and on their own. Saving money and being financially responsible is very important to us. Not only are we an above average-sized family, but we are a one income family. Yes, you read that correctly, my husband is the sole income provider for our household. And has been for the past 11 years.
Look at it this spend $100 on a cheapy entertainment center (guilty) for your $300 TV to sit on...."I just need it to get by for now" we all reason with ourselves...but do you realize that you just threw away $100???? If you are going to replace it with something you want/need/like quickly, why waste that money?
We have wasted probably thousands over the years. With temporary furniture, to temporary household goods as small as towels. And if you look at it, with all the money we've wasted added up, it can become a significant amount.
My advice, if you are only going to use it for temporary use, then look around for a garage sale item, go to the Goodwill - don't spend any more than is absolutely needed on something that is only supposed to be in your home temporarily. I understand there are times you have to do a temp. item (like us with the entertainment center), but it is simplier to spend less.
God loves you and wants to bless you today!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Happy Mother's Day; early!
Proverbs 23:25 "Make your parents proud, especially your mother." (CEV)
Isaiah 66:13 "As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem." (NKJ)
God has a lot to say about mothers, and I believe that God holds mothers in high esteem, especially when you look at Isaiah 66:13. He is basically telling us that He will comfort us as our mothers comfort us. Wow, what an awesome thing to be a mother!
So while I know it is a bit early, I wanted to share my thoughts on motherhood. I think you will find this to be a very unique perspective, and I really hope that this blog blesses you. I want to speak to you from the depths of my heart, in all earnesty, and pray that you gain something special from this today.
My mother died September 7, 2007. She had only been 50 years old for just over 3 months. My husband was set to leave for OCS on the 11th, and we had decided that the kids and I would move in with her while he was in school. Little known secret on Army life - when you first leave, you don't get paid for like 45 days. Given that, we chose to stay with her.
I had a lot of things to get done that day. I still had to finish taking things out of the house, had to get it cleaned, had to get the kids withdrawn from their schools....and I had already turned the keys to the house over. Now, if you don't know me, let me explain why that was a big deal. We had 3 kids at the time, 3 cats, 2 dogs....and my mother lived just over an hour from our house.
Our middle daughter was sick that day. I took her to my mother's house that morning - I dropped off a load at her house and asked her if Dayna could stay there while I got things done; I couldn't deal with a sick child and get everything done that I needed, let me share the last conversation I ever had with her. I walked in the door and she was in her room in the bed (which is typical for her) and I told her hello and asked her if Dayna could hang out. She says, "Of course she can, what's wrong with her?" (Oh, I'm quoting, I remember this word for word trust me) I explain that she is running a temp, nothing else, and I had all this other stuff to do. Mom says, "Not a problem." But let me tell you, she looked funny. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she was having "what feels like a really bad panic attack, I just can't seem to catch my breath!" So I help her turn on her oxygen, meet the guy at the door with mom's medicine, write the check out for her, and go back in her room and hug her, tell her that I love her....ask her if she's sure it's okay to leave Dayna (and of course she says yes, what grandmother is going to say no?), hug her again and tell her I'll see her later.
I walked out the door.
Honestly, I had the feeling I should stay.
But I had too much to do.
Finally that night we get everything done and we head out to my mom's house....I remember riding in the van with Alex asleep in the passenger seat and thinking about how one day I am going to wake up in the morning and have to explain to my children that their grandmother had passed away. My mom had been sick for awhile and nowhere near took care of herself like she should and I was soo deeply afraid of how that would affect Dayna (who loved my mother like she was the absolute best thing there ever was).
I pull in the driveway and notice there are no lights on. No big deal, right? It's about 11pm so Dayna is probably asleep and Ray (my mom's partner) too. Go in the house, and the first thing I see is Dayna in the recliner.
That doesn't happen.
I set the fishbowl down on the table and turn to go to my mom's room...there are no lights on in the house and I am totally confused as to why my kid in is the living room...the only light there is comes from the reflection of the tv on in my mom's room...suddenly Ray is in her doorway, flips her lightswitch on quickly, and disappears. I knew something was very wrong.
At this point I want you to understand that I am not writing this out of guilt, or shame. I do not carry that on my shoulders at all, but in order to give you the understanding I have, I want you to know EXACTLY what my experience was like and why I see what I do. This is very hard, even to this day I still grieve, so bear with me as I go through this process.
I go into her room and immediately try to get Ray out of the way so I can help her. She is laying on the bed, limp, not breathing....I get there, check her - I don't feel a pulse, so I stick my head to her chest and get an extremely faint heartbeat. Her eyes are begining to dialate, and there is yuck on her face (like she had gotten a very bad runny nose), so I wipe off her face, throw the phone to Ray for him to call 911, and literally fall apart.
All I could do is cry and say to her....Mom what has happened???
I couldn't even do CPR. I couldn't remember it. Darryl had to do it.
I said goodbye to my mother that night. I climbed in her bed and held her lifeless body in my arms, just held her, whispering how much I love her, how I didn't want her to go....caressing her arm to try to permanately put the feeling of her skin on my brain....
I miss my mother. I miss being able to pick up the phone and just call her. Just to tell her some funny thing that the baby (that she was never able to meet) has done, or some great thing that Dayna accomplished at school....I cannot call her and ask her what advice she has for me with the situation with Alex, I cannot ask her what to do when I am having a bad day with my "tweenie". I cannot give her another hug and I cannot buy her another gift. There are countless times I have been in a store and caught myself picking something up for her and having to put it back. The countless times I've had my cellphone in hand and realizing that I cannot dial that number...
Here's the thing....I had to go through all of my mother's things. You know, she was my MOM. Everyone of us knows what "Mom" is, we are one, we have one. But boy oh boy, heh...I missed the part that she was a WOMAN. And that we could have been very good friends. I would have liked the woman that my mother was.
If you get nothing else, get appreciation for the fact that your mother is a woman, with hopes, dreams, fears, concerns....ask her what her favorite things are. Take her to have coffee just like you would your best friend. Go see a girly movie together. Get to know your mother as her name (my mom was Glenda) not 'Mom'. You know Mom. That is the lady that carried you for 9 months, gave you bandaides, gave you hugs when you had your first heartbreak, stood with you at your wedding, held your hand as you gave birth to your first child.
Become friends with her. And tell her that you love her. And mean it. Don't get so caught up in being busy.
You know what else I would like to recommend?
Become a woman to your daughter. You can be mom and still share your dreams, you can still show her that you are a person too.
I thank God that I was given my mother and I thank God that she is in His kingdom and I thank God for the road He has for me.
That old saying that goes something to the effect of "God doesn't promise there won't be pain, just that He'll be there"? Well, He's been there for me and He carries me.
Make this Mother's Day and every day a day that you honor your mother.
Isaiah 66:13 "As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem." (NKJ)
God has a lot to say about mothers, and I believe that God holds mothers in high esteem, especially when you look at Isaiah 66:13. He is basically telling us that He will comfort us as our mothers comfort us. Wow, what an awesome thing to be a mother!
So while I know it is a bit early, I wanted to share my thoughts on motherhood. I think you will find this to be a very unique perspective, and I really hope that this blog blesses you. I want to speak to you from the depths of my heart, in all earnesty, and pray that you gain something special from this today.
My mother died September 7, 2007. She had only been 50 years old for just over 3 months. My husband was set to leave for OCS on the 11th, and we had decided that the kids and I would move in with her while he was in school. Little known secret on Army life - when you first leave, you don't get paid for like 45 days. Given that, we chose to stay with her.
I had a lot of things to get done that day. I still had to finish taking things out of the house, had to get it cleaned, had to get the kids withdrawn from their schools....and I had already turned the keys to the house over. Now, if you don't know me, let me explain why that was a big deal. We had 3 kids at the time, 3 cats, 2 dogs....and my mother lived just over an hour from our house.
Our middle daughter was sick that day. I took her to my mother's house that morning - I dropped off a load at her house and asked her if Dayna could stay there while I got things done; I couldn't deal with a sick child and get everything done that I needed, let me share the last conversation I ever had with her. I walked in the door and she was in her room in the bed (which is typical for her) and I told her hello and asked her if Dayna could hang out. She says, "Of course she can, what's wrong with her?" (Oh, I'm quoting, I remember this word for word trust me) I explain that she is running a temp, nothing else, and I had all this other stuff to do. Mom says, "Not a problem." But let me tell you, she looked funny. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she was having "what feels like a really bad panic attack, I just can't seem to catch my breath!" So I help her turn on her oxygen, meet the guy at the door with mom's medicine, write the check out for her, and go back in her room and hug her, tell her that I love her....ask her if she's sure it's okay to leave Dayna (and of course she says yes, what grandmother is going to say no?), hug her again and tell her I'll see her later.
I walked out the door.
Honestly, I had the feeling I should stay.
But I had too much to do.
Finally that night we get everything done and we head out to my mom's house....I remember riding in the van with Alex asleep in the passenger seat and thinking about how one day I am going to wake up in the morning and have to explain to my children that their grandmother had passed away. My mom had been sick for awhile and nowhere near took care of herself like she should and I was soo deeply afraid of how that would affect Dayna (who loved my mother like she was the absolute best thing there ever was).
I pull in the driveway and notice there are no lights on. No big deal, right? It's about 11pm so Dayna is probably asleep and Ray (my mom's partner) too. Go in the house, and the first thing I see is Dayna in the recliner.
That doesn't happen.
I set the fishbowl down on the table and turn to go to my mom's room...there are no lights on in the house and I am totally confused as to why my kid in is the living room...the only light there is comes from the reflection of the tv on in my mom's room...suddenly Ray is in her doorway, flips her lightswitch on quickly, and disappears. I knew something was very wrong.
At this point I want you to understand that I am not writing this out of guilt, or shame. I do not carry that on my shoulders at all, but in order to give you the understanding I have, I want you to know EXACTLY what my experience was like and why I see what I do. This is very hard, even to this day I still grieve, so bear with me as I go through this process.
I go into her room and immediately try to get Ray out of the way so I can help her. She is laying on the bed, limp, not breathing....I get there, check her - I don't feel a pulse, so I stick my head to her chest and get an extremely faint heartbeat. Her eyes are begining to dialate, and there is yuck on her face (like she had gotten a very bad runny nose), so I wipe off her face, throw the phone to Ray for him to call 911, and literally fall apart.
All I could do is cry and say to her....Mom what has happened???
I couldn't even do CPR. I couldn't remember it. Darryl had to do it.
I said goodbye to my mother that night. I climbed in her bed and held her lifeless body in my arms, just held her, whispering how much I love her, how I didn't want her to go....caressing her arm to try to permanately put the feeling of her skin on my brain....
I miss my mother. I miss being able to pick up the phone and just call her. Just to tell her some funny thing that the baby (that she was never able to meet) has done, or some great thing that Dayna accomplished at school....I cannot call her and ask her what advice she has for me with the situation with Alex, I cannot ask her what to do when I am having a bad day with my "tweenie". I cannot give her another hug and I cannot buy her another gift. There are countless times I have been in a store and caught myself picking something up for her and having to put it back. The countless times I've had my cellphone in hand and realizing that I cannot dial that number...
Here's the thing....I had to go through all of my mother's things. You know, she was my MOM. Everyone of us knows what "Mom" is, we are one, we have one. But boy oh boy, heh...I missed the part that she was a WOMAN. And that we could have been very good friends. I would have liked the woman that my mother was.
If you get nothing else, get appreciation for the fact that your mother is a woman, with hopes, dreams, fears, concerns....ask her what her favorite things are. Take her to have coffee just like you would your best friend. Go see a girly movie together. Get to know your mother as her name (my mom was Glenda) not 'Mom'. You know Mom. That is the lady that carried you for 9 months, gave you bandaides, gave you hugs when you had your first heartbreak, stood with you at your wedding, held your hand as you gave birth to your first child.
Become friends with her. And tell her that you love her. And mean it. Don't get so caught up in being busy.
You know what else I would like to recommend?
Become a woman to your daughter. You can be mom and still share your dreams, you can still show her that you are a person too.
I thank God that I was given my mother and I thank God that she is in His kingdom and I thank God for the road He has for me.
That old saying that goes something to the effect of "God doesn't promise there won't be pain, just that He'll be there"? Well, He's been there for me and He carries me.
Make this Mother's Day and every day a day that you honor your mother.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Good Sleepy Time Morning!
This morning had another fabulous start! The kiddos were met with scrambled cheesy eggs, toast, and maple sausage links...followed by me walking them out to the buses and giving them lots of snuggly love this morning to begin their day with. I didn't quite manage to get into my Bible this morning, Blythe decided that he wanted to get up at 4:30 with me, so I didn't have any "quiet" time at all. Darryl came rolling out of the bed at 5, so I just decided to start out my day with getting some things done. So dishes are done, floors are mopped, laundry is done, bed is made...and it's not even 8:30 yet! All I can say is wow!
Listen, God is amazing. I made it through the whole day yesterday without even getting tired. That is some Holy Spirit "caffeine" let me tell you! Never in my wildest of thoughts did I imagine myself doing (and ENJOYING) what I have been able to do the past 2 days!
Another thing, God provides. He knows what my morning has been like already, so he's provided me with some thoughts to ponder throughout my day. This morning I've received a random email from somewhere that I suppose I've signed up for somewhere. It goes with my thinking this morning.
I really feel like there should be more focus on the home and family. Mark 3:25 reads "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." Okay, so here I could put in ALOT of scripture that really speaks to having a whole house, one that is spiritually and emotionally and physically stable, but I'm not going to do that this morning. Most of us are familiar with those, so here I am just going to put my thoughts out there and let you mule over them.
1. I firmly believe that you cannot have a fully functioning house if the husband and wife do not have a correct relationship. The Godly order of things should be: God, husband, wife, children - in that order. Now, if you are like me, you were raised that your children come first, nothing comes over your children. While that is true to a degree, I don't believe that needs to be the basis of your family life. While yes, it is our job to protect our children from the varying degrees of abuse that is out there - including abuse from the spouse - it is important to instill love for God in your children and respect for your spouse (providing there is not a dangerous situation in the home). Your children will mimic the relationship you have with your spouse in their spouses. If that is not frightening enough, get this one - your children will gain their view of God from their feelings about their own father. If dad is aloof and unforgiving, then they will see God in that way unless they are taught differently! And if you are the husband, well how you treat your wife will show your sons how to value women and your daughters what their worth is. If you are the wife, your example will show your sons either compassion or coldness and teach your daughter what it really means to be a about a responsibility! But notice, their spiritual examples come directly from your married partnership. Here are some things to think about:
a.) As a married couple, shoot for the maximum in making each other happy instead of just going through the motions and doing the basic requirements for your spouse!
-See just how many times a day you can kiss each other. Try substituting the little pecks for passionate kisses in the kitchen that last for 3 minutes or longer.
-Use a timer when making love some times. Set a goal to go for 30, 40 or more minutes. Use the maximum amount of foreplay. (Or more specifically, put more effort forth and really ENJOY your intimacy together!)
-Make love twice as often as you typically do for 4 weeks straight. It will have a dramatic impact on the both of you. Schedule it if necessary to achieve this goal.
-Most couples spend about 5 to 10 minutes in real conversation each day. Aim to devote one or more hours each day to good conversation. That probably means turning off the television.
-Grow the spiritual (and most important) part of your relationship by praying together, worshiping with others and giving to churches/charities as much as you can. This is the area that rewards you most for shooting for the maximum.
Are you uncomfortable? That probably means that you should at least try some of the above! If we all put in even 1/3 of the effort into our marriages as we do other things (playing on the pc, watching tv, fishing, whatever your vice is), we would be amazed at the results.
Remember, God gave us the partner we have for a reason, and they should be a pivotal part of our happiness!
Listen, God is amazing. I made it through the whole day yesterday without even getting tired. That is some Holy Spirit "caffeine" let me tell you! Never in my wildest of thoughts did I imagine myself doing (and ENJOYING) what I have been able to do the past 2 days!
Another thing, God provides. He knows what my morning has been like already, so he's provided me with some thoughts to ponder throughout my day. This morning I've received a random email from somewhere that I suppose I've signed up for somewhere. It goes with my thinking this morning.
I really feel like there should be more focus on the home and family. Mark 3:25 reads "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." Okay, so here I could put in ALOT of scripture that really speaks to having a whole house, one that is spiritually and emotionally and physically stable, but I'm not going to do that this morning. Most of us are familiar with those, so here I am just going to put my thoughts out there and let you mule over them.
1. I firmly believe that you cannot have a fully functioning house if the husband and wife do not have a correct relationship. The Godly order of things should be: God, husband, wife, children - in that order. Now, if you are like me, you were raised that your children come first, nothing comes over your children. While that is true to a degree, I don't believe that needs to be the basis of your family life. While yes, it is our job to protect our children from the varying degrees of abuse that is out there - including abuse from the spouse - it is important to instill love for God in your children and respect for your spouse (providing there is not a dangerous situation in the home). Your children will mimic the relationship you have with your spouse in their spouses. If that is not frightening enough, get this one - your children will gain their view of God from their feelings about their own father. If dad is aloof and unforgiving, then they will see God in that way unless they are taught differently! And if you are the husband, well how you treat your wife will show your sons how to value women and your daughters what their worth is. If you are the wife, your example will show your sons either compassion or coldness and teach your daughter what it really means to be a about a responsibility! But notice, their spiritual examples come directly from your married partnership. Here are some things to think about:
a.) As a married couple, shoot for the maximum in making each other happy instead of just going through the motions and doing the basic requirements for your spouse!
-See just how many times a day you can kiss each other. Try substituting the little pecks for passionate kisses in the kitchen that last for 3 minutes or longer.
-Use a timer when making love some times. Set a goal to go for 30, 40 or more minutes. Use the maximum amount of foreplay. (Or more specifically, put more effort forth and really ENJOY your intimacy together!)
-Make love twice as often as you typically do for 4 weeks straight. It will have a dramatic impact on the both of you. Schedule it if necessary to achieve this goal.
-Most couples spend about 5 to 10 minutes in real conversation each day. Aim to devote one or more hours each day to good conversation. That probably means turning off the television.
-Grow the spiritual (and most important) part of your relationship by praying together, worshiping with others and giving to churches/charities as much as you can. This is the area that rewards you most for shooting for the maximum.
Are you uncomfortable? That probably means that you should at least try some of the above! If we all put in even 1/3 of the effort into our marriages as we do other things (playing on the pc, watching tv, fishing, whatever your vice is), we would be amazed at the results.
Remember, God gave us the partner we have for a reason, and they should be a pivotal part of our happiness!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Returning To Love
So now, come back to your God. Act with love and justice,and always depend on him.
Hosea 12:6 (NLT)
I had been given the idea for a blog like this one recently, and because of a post on my sister-in-laws website, I decided to drop the 4 letter work (complacency) and actually do it. Last night in prayer, I was given the title of my blog.
This is my journey. My personal journey with Christ. This blog will be the scripture and study I am given, even in my young walk with God. Thankfully, I have the Holy Spirit as my guide and God is my love!
So on with it:
The other day I read a bloggy on my sister-in-law's site about the Proverbs 31 woman. Wow, what a reminder! I felt really spoken to, a reminder about the hopes and dreams I had not too long ago as a wife and mother, and a Child of the Living God. How gently He reminds us at times to look for Him! And how sweet it is to be able to come back into His arms at the blink of an eye! It would take me a long time to go into how far I had gone off from the path, but in all honesty it doesn't even matter. What is important is that I am here now, and that God's graces and mercies are renewed every single day and that our God is the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow - never changing and never failing!
He has called me to do many things, of the most important is to follow Him. But in regards of being that Proverbs 31 woman, well it begins with starting my day between 4 and 5 breakfast for my husband and children, seeing them off to school.
Now for those who know me will say that action is the most UNCHARACTERIST of all things for me to be doing. I happen to love my sleep thank you very much. And cooking? Hahahaha, I'll cook dinner, but to be up and making breakfast is a good joke. And as far as walking Dayna to the bus, well that has not happened since we moved to our current duty station.
I did it though, I did it. I had my Dunkin' Dougnuts coffee (No Starbucks for this chica) ready, and breakfast made this morning. I think my kiddos were reeling in shock when I got them out of bed, greeting them with pancakes and bacon. Ha! And to have their clothes ready, walking the little ones to their seperate buses, then having my house completely clean before noon - that my friend, is God and God alone.
My daughter looks at me this morning and says, "uh, Mommy? Are you going to make breakfast for us more often?" I could only smile; if I could even begin to convey to them how much God has wrapped me in His arms right now then they would have understanding!
Thank you Jesus, thank you so very much for loving me and for just being a patient and loving and just Lord!
Hosea 12:6 (NLT)
I had been given the idea for a blog like this one recently, and because of a post on my sister-in-laws website, I decided to drop the 4 letter work (complacency) and actually do it. Last night in prayer, I was given the title of my blog.
This is my journey. My personal journey with Christ. This blog will be the scripture and study I am given, even in my young walk with God. Thankfully, I have the Holy Spirit as my guide and God is my love!
So on with it:
The other day I read a bloggy on my sister-in-law's site about the Proverbs 31 woman. Wow, what a reminder! I felt really spoken to, a reminder about the hopes and dreams I had not too long ago as a wife and mother, and a Child of the Living God. How gently He reminds us at times to look for Him! And how sweet it is to be able to come back into His arms at the blink of an eye! It would take me a long time to go into how far I had gone off from the path, but in all honesty it doesn't even matter. What is important is that I am here now, and that God's graces and mercies are renewed every single day and that our God is the God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow - never changing and never failing!
He has called me to do many things, of the most important is to follow Him. But in regards of being that Proverbs 31 woman, well it begins with starting my day between 4 and 5 breakfast for my husband and children, seeing them off to school.
Now for those who know me will say that action is the most UNCHARACTERIST of all things for me to be doing. I happen to love my sleep thank you very much. And cooking? Hahahaha, I'll cook dinner, but to be up and making breakfast is a good joke. And as far as walking Dayna to the bus, well that has not happened since we moved to our current duty station.
I did it though, I did it. I had my Dunkin' Dougnuts coffee (No Starbucks for this chica) ready, and breakfast made this morning. I think my kiddos were reeling in shock when I got them out of bed, greeting them with pancakes and bacon. Ha! And to have their clothes ready, walking the little ones to their seperate buses, then having my house completely clean before noon - that my friend, is God and God alone.
My daughter looks at me this morning and says, "uh, Mommy? Are you going to make breakfast for us more often?" I could only smile; if I could even begin to convey to them how much God has wrapped me in His arms right now then they would have understanding!
Thank you Jesus, thank you so very much for loving me and for just being a patient and loving and just Lord!
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