Friday, September 18, 2009

Under Siege...

While yes, my health has still been under siege, things are improving.

I did want to hop in here and give a quick update, and to say thank you for the prayers.

I'm not giving the enemy any ground on this one, so please be patient. When the battle is over (at least this one) I will be posting the victory!

Praise God, I know He is with me!

Please continue to pray as you feel led, and I am going to keep going forward, for He is a light for my path!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's been awhile....

I've had some things going on medically, but thankfully I am doing much better. I won't go into those now, I don't think that putting it all out there would be a good idea. Whenever you are going through something, you don't want to share ALL parts of it because the amount of negative things that can be spoken over the situation....and if you know someone going through something and you know details about it, please only speak LIFE over that person. Your words ARE spiritual containers that WILL come to be!

Thank you G, for continuous prayer for me, it has provided strength. I wanted you to know that.

On another note, I've started homeschooling Alex and that is going AMAZINGLY! I should have already done it. But you know what, that is ok, because we are here now and he and I are really enjoying it. We also get the baby involved, so Blythe is certainly not left out.

Thank you everyone who has been praying for our family.

God is good.